Wednesday 25 November 2015

You’re fired!

I’ve fired myself! There I was making a decent living as an cartoonist/illustrator, when I came to the realization that I was bored. So very bored. I had grown tired of the same old work day in day out.

As I said, it was keeping me in beans n’ biscuits, but my spirit wasn’t happy. So, after 30 years behind the pen, I parted company (amicably,) with my agents, changed my name to Daviz industries and kicked my arse out of the door!

In my previous life as Daviz cartoons I had leaned heavily on my draftsmanship using line and wash.

Now I wanted to explore color and design and form, and type. I loved the old cinema commercials from the 60′s and 70′s, so I began to explore and experiment. This was one of my first pieces. A poster influenced by my love of northern soul.

Righto, I need to get back on my head. I post more later. I must keep this up!

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