Tuesday 1 December 2015

Happy December!

I have just released a new video on 'that youtube.' It's a animated Christmas message from cross stitch extraordinaire Emily Peacock. I'd really appreciate your help in getting it noticed by youtube; this means you watching the vid all the way the end, (most important, but it's only a minute long), liking or disliking it, leaving a comment and if you're that way inclined, subscribe to my channel. Apparently this is how algorithms work on youtube. Huh? You know? Algorithms...Don't get me started on algorithms...erm, I don't really know what they are either.
Anyway, if you would be so kind, please help me get some serious viewage and subscription. It'll only take a minute...though.'s probably taken longer than a minute to read this...alright! Here is the link!DECEMBER!



Thank you


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